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Flutter Integration ​

Prisma ORM for Dart allows you to integrate it in Flutter Project.

Platform Support ​

macOS❌Prisma C-ABI not support
Linux❌Prisma C-ABI not support
Windows❌Prisma C-ABI not support
Web❌No plans at the moment

Database Support ​

MySQL/MariaDB❌Prisma C-ABI not support
PostgreSQL❌Prisma C-ABI not support
MongoDB❌Prisma C-ABI not support
Microsoft SQL Server❌Prisma C-ABI not support
CockroachDB❌Prisma C-ABI not support

Installation ​

You should first read the Installation Documentation, and Setup Prisma ORM of the orm package.

Now, let’s install the orm_flutter package, you can use the command line:

flutter pub add orm_flutter

Or edit your Flutter project’s pubspce.yaml file:

   orm_flutter: latest

Integration ​

In the regular method of orm, we use PrismaClient(...) to create the client, but this does not work in Flutter, so we now use the PrismaClient.use method to create the client:

import '<You generated client path>/client.dart';

final prisma = PrismaClient.use((schema, datasources) {
     final dbFilePath = "<You custon db file path>";

     return engine = PrismaFlutterEngine(schema: schema, datasources: {
         'db': 'file:$dbFilePath',
         // ...More options

Note: In Flutter, the client will not automatically connect to the database, and you need to manually call prisma.$connect() to establish a connection with the database.

Migrations ​

Unlike server-side, databases in Flutter are not typically handled by you in the Prisma CLI before building.

Create migration file ​

bun prisma migrate dev
npx prisma migrate dev
pnpx prisma migrate dev

Notes: By default it is created in the prisma/migrations/ folder.

Set migration files to flutter assets ​

Now, let's edit your pubspec.yaml:

     - prisma/migrations/ # Migrations root dir
     - prisma/migrations/<dir>/ # Set first migration files dir
     # ... More assets

Notes: Each migration folder generated using the prisma migrate dev command needs to be added.

Run migration ​

final engine = PrismaFlutterEngine(...);

await engine.applyMigrations(
     path: 'prisma/migrations/', // Your define in `flutter.assets` .igrations root dir


In addition to using flutter.assets, you can customize AssetBundle to achieve:

await engine.applyMigrations(
  path: '<Your migration dir prefix>',
  bundle: <You custon bundle>,

Also, engine.applyMigrations may throw exceptions. This is usually caused by your destructive changes to the migration files, and you should handle this yourself. The most common method is to delete the database file after throwing the exception, and then rerun the migration.

If you are adding a new migration, there will be almost no problems.

Complete integration example ​

In this Example, we will install these packages:

We install the database in the <Application Support Directory>/database.sqlite location and then use flutter.assets to run the migration

import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart';
import 'package:path_provider/path_provider.dart';
import 'package:orm_flutter/orm_flutter.dart';

import '_generated_prisma_client/client.dart';

late final PrismaClient prisma;

Future<void> initPrismaClient() async {

   final supportDir = await getApplicationSupportDirectory();
   final database = join(supportDir.path, 'database.sqlite');

   late final PrismaFlutterEngine engine;
   prisma = PrismaClient.use((schema, datasources) {
     return engine = PrismaFlutterEngine(schema: schema, datasources: {
       'db': 'file:$database',

   await prisma.$connect();
   await engine.applyMigrations(path: 'prisma/migrations');
import 'prisma.dart';

Future<void> main() async {
     await initPrismaClient();

     // ...

Platform specific engines ​

The generator will generate references to all engines by default, but usually you will not use other engines. If you only want to use the Flutter integration engine, you should configure the engine type in the Prisma schema:

generator client {
   provider   = "dart run orm"
   engineType = "flutter"

datasource db {
   provider = "sqlite"
   url      = "file:./db.sqlite"

When you configure engineType in generator to flutter, the binary engine will no longer be referenced.

Example App ​

We provide you with a demo App that integrates Prisma ORM in Flutter πŸ‘‰ Flutter with ORM

Released under the BSD-3-Clause License